Why register your business?
The inscription on Hebergement-Groupe.fr is for hotels who accept Group.
Here‘s a quick overview of the many benefits you by subscribing to us:
- Your business will have on our site a page that it will devoted entirely. A true business card for all users.
- No advertising on your page.
- Description of your hotel.
- Showing all the details of your business.
- Link to your website.
- Contact form.
- Location of your business on a Google Map.
- Visibility, including Google (90% of French search on the net via Google).
- Responsive technology to reach all users: computer, phone and tablet.
- Example of an ad: click here
Registration form
Your business on Hebergement-Groupe.fr for only
59 euros for 6 months
99 euros for 1 year
- Payment: Paypal and Credit Cards
- Security: you set the amount of the registration after publication of your page on our website. An email will notify you as soon as the advertisement of your property will be online. Therefore, you will have 8 days to click on the link that will be inserted in the mail, and pay your registration.